Museum at the Abbey of the Scots
The Schottenstift monastery in Vienna was founded in 1155 when Henry II brought over the first Irish monks, from Germany ("Schotten" or "Iroschotten"). The Irish monks were heavily involved in missionary work in the early Middle Ages and monasteries, as well as their religious importance, were also places of high thought and knowledge. Monasteries were much like universities, in that they had libraries and schools. It was also around the time the University of Vienna was founded, back in 1365.
Explore this old monastery to learn about the lives of the Irish monks and their roles in Middle Age Vienna. As one of the most iconic historic buildings, it’s a great place to go to learn even more about Vienna’s rich past.
Metro:U2 Schottentor; U3 Herrengasse
Tram:D, 1, 71, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42 Schottentor
Bus: 1A Schottentor
Hop On Hop Off
Route: Blue Line / Red Line
Bus Stop:
Universität/Liebenberg Denkmal
Schottenstift (Eingang durch den Klosterladen), Freyung 6,
+43 1 534 98 600